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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Soap nuts and More

Ok everyone I just wanted to post a quick blog about a product that my cousin told me about. This product is like an all natural laundry detergent. I have not tried them but I will be ordering some and reviewing them here. I am also going to send some to my cousin so that I can have two opinions.

So for this week I just want to give a small piece of advice on going more natural in your diets even if you have a husband like mine who eats nothing but meat and potatoes. I have discovered that when you go to the store to buy food instead of buying prepared food buy fresh produce. You can cook those foods from scratch and alot of them are not hard to make. I myself go to the Sprouts Natural Market and buy organic produce. I know that it is a little more expensive but can you put a price on your well being? Then when I get home I put every thing in the fridge with no stickers or labels because my husband doesn't need to know that he is eating organic. He wouldn't eat if he knew.

Thought of the Day!!!!!
When is the time to take care of ourselves? I always here people saying that they wanna take better care of themelves as they eat a big greasy burger for Burger King. YUCK!!! I can understand that it is quick and easy but when you do it once a day you are just asking to hurt your body. Remember that God wants us to treat our bodies as temples. Would you wipe grease on the walls of Gods temple????????

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